My name is Gerald Thompson. My formal education was in Floriculture (ornamental plants) and, informally, technology (computers, websites and networks).
I have never aspired to be a writer. I read many books, mostly mystery, science fiction, and fantasy. My strengths and aspirations in high school and my career have tended toward the sciences and technology.
On November 13, 2009, I experienced the nightmare in Chapter One of Demons and Dreams (Click here to read now). I had never encountered a realistic dream with sight, sound, color, and touch. Yelling, “Jesus is my Savior,” is how I exited the dream. I shot out of bed drenched in sweat, and my heart pounded hard. I thought, “I don’t want to forget this dream.” At 2:00 a.m., I was handwriting notes on a piece of paper. I recorded the dream in as much detail as I could remember.
As I laid back down, I had two thoughts. The first was to thank Jesus for being my Savior.
The second was this could make an interesting story. If there was going to be a story, how might it go? And the plot unfolded in my mind.
At about 6:00 a.m., I woke up and went to my computer to record the dream. When I reached the end of the nightmare, I kept writing.
The result was the book I never expected to write, Demons and Dreams. The significant events in the first chapter happened in my dream in the order presented in this story. I added details to make reading smoother and describe elements better. But the main events occurred in the order given.
The other thing that makes this nightmare so unique and likely from God is that I have Aphantasia. Aphantasia is a big word that means I don’t form pictures in my mind very well.
My dreams are usually grayscale without a lot of detail. To have a dream in full color and involve my other senses happens rarely. To date, I remember four dreams in color with details. Two held spiritual significance, and the nightmare in Chapter One of Demons and Dreams has been the most recent. I believe this was a dream from God to push me into a writing experience that I would never have chosen.
I dove into the world of publishing and looked at Traditional and Self-publishing. I learned that it is a complex process. One of my greatest strengths is the ability to figure things out. And that is what I did.
My computer skills were well developed. I realized that the average person may write incredible stories, but they may not have the computer skills to figure out how to self-publish their books.
When I created Finger Lakes Publishing to publish my books, I also decided to help those who desired help to publish their own works.
I work by the hour. I will help you as much or as little as you desire. Would you like to explore the possibilities? Please email me at [email protected].